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Stelian Sipos

Hey there! Stelian Sipos here, the proud founder of Otabushi. But enough about me; this story is about a unique adventure – the birth of a manga publishing house!

So why a manga publishing agency you ask? This all began in my teens with my love for Japanese manga. These amazing stories really shaped me, and I’ve wanted to give back ever since. Although I’m kind of a quiet guy and I can’t draw to save my life, I’ve always respected and admired manga artists. Through Otabushi, I want to help make the bold steps of European manga artists a little less scary and a lot more rewarding.

What sets Otabushi apart? We’re all about honesty, commitment, creativity, and long-term success. My background in IT has taught me the importance of good structure and clear procedures, and I bring all of that to the table. We’re also all about transparency – you, the artist, are always in the know.

Now I hear you asking, “But Stelian, you’re an IT guy in the publishing world?” Fair point! But I look at it this way: being new to the industry means I’m willing and ready to listen. This fresh approach lets us shape Otabushi around your needs.

At Otabushi, we want to foster a positive and professional relationship with our artists. We promise an inspiring, valuing, and fair environment where you can create your best work.

We believe the magic is in the communication and mutual agreements between us. Together, we’ll create and publish compelling manga stories that do their Japanese originals proud.

So that’s us, in a nutshell. If you’re a budding manga artist who’s been searching for a bailiwick, let’s chat. Together with Otabushi, your talent can take flight and your dreams of becoming a published manga artist can come alive. Buckle up and let’s embark on this exciting journey toward a world full of magical manga stories!

Let’s create together,
Stelian Sipos

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